Geographical area Europe
Country Italy
Site of intervention Florence and the metropolitan area
Title Il Paniere di S. Ambrogio. Strategic plan for the promotion of local agricultural and livestock products through the “small organized distribution” supply chain at the Sant’Ambrogio market in Florence.
Project goals
Il Paniere di S. Ambrogio is a research/action project that sets out to promote the role of the city of Florence’s historical markets, and the market of S. Ambrogio in particular, as focal points for the sale of high quality local produce, creating added economic, social and environmental value, and tapping into changes in food consumption styles and preferences. Through the involvement of a vast network of public and private entities from the local area (Municipality of Florence, farms and livestock breeders, market stallholders, associations and citizens), the project has analysed the supply and demand for local produce that could potentially be sold at the market and the organized focus groups to share lines and strategies for the development of the historical markets by promoting local products.
Duration 10 months (2017)
Funding 50,000 euros
Funding body Tuscan Regional Authority Partners • Az. agr. Le Roncacce • M74 Società Cooperativa Agricolo Forestale • Consorzio Esercenti Mercato Sant’Ambrogio Scrl • Local farms and livestock breeders